Meeting Summary

The Core Area Visioning Workshop for the Turner Field LCI was convened on January 30th, 2016. Due to strong community and stakeholder interest in the redevelopment of Turner Field, the City of Atlanta, in partnership with Invest Atlanta, hosted morning and afternoon sessions which attracted more than 250 participants.

The two interactive sessions included:

  • A brief video recap of the December 10, 2015 LCI Kick Off Meeting and interactive activities, (Click here to watch the 2-minute intro video on Vimeo.)
  • A presentation of existing transportation facilities, mobility, street capacity, and transit service in the area,
  • Existing housing and commercial market conditions in addition to potential opportunities,
  • Examples of other neighborhoods in the country that have successfully balanced community and institutions, (Click here to download the workshop presentation.)
  • And a question and answer session with Keisha Lance Bottoms, Executive Director, AFCRA, DPCD Commissioner Keane and the consultant team. 

The presentation provided the foundation for an interactive activity that focused on the Core Area of the Turner Field Stadium Neighborhoods LCI study area (defined as the eight blocks with parking lots/vacant parcels immediately surrounding the stadium). The planning team provided participants with a series of local neighborhood examples which had different activity scores based on their population and development densities (the activity score accounted for residents, employers, shoppers, students and visitors). The community then was encouraged to select their ideal activity score for the Core Area based on these examples and to use 3D blocks to achieve such score in the Core Area. 

Throughout the workshop, meeting attendees were also invited to visit and build upon information collected at the ASK, LEARN, WISH, SHARE and ENGAGE stations. Representatives from American Rivers were on hand to share and collect information on stormwater issues and challenges in the area. In addition, Stadiumville, a Georgia State interdisciplinary project documenting the history and memory of the neighborhoods in the shadow of Turner Field, was displayed. 

The planning consultants will analyze the eight development models created by the workshop participants and present the results at the next set of workshops in March, 2016.